About Us
Kennedy Bay Medical Centre is family owned and managed by family doctors. We are a Mixed Billing Practice, offering bulk billing (Monday to Friday ONLY) to Children under 16 Years and Adults above 65 years of age , Health Care Card holders, Pension Card holders and DVA Gold card Holders. All Saturday’s consultations (Face to face and Phone) are privately charged. Our doctors are courteous, respectful, compassionate and honest. We strive to improve patient engagement and health care outcomes.
We put genuine efforts to understand the cultural needs and contexts of different patients to obtain good health outcomes.
We are located in Port Kennedy Central, 397 Warnbro Sound Avenue , Port Kennedy , Western Australia. We have ample of parking bays available for patients and relatives. Port Kennedy pharmacy is very close to our medical centre.
Our practice will try to accommodate patients with urgent problems and patients who may need a longer consultation. please notify the receptionist and we will be happy to make the appointment according to the circumstances.
Book Appointment
(08) 6119 9111
Feedback / Complaints
Our practice strives to provide exceptional and holistic health care. Please advise the reception staff, practice manager or the doctor if you are not happy or have concerns.
Medical Emergencies
- For medical emergencies please contact 000 for urgent ambulance or attend Rockingham General Hospital, Elanora drive, Cooloongup, WA - 6168. For further enquiry call: (08) 9599 4000
For after hours non-medical emergencies please call Dial-A-Doctor On 1300 030 030
Issuing of test results
Patients having pathology and other investigations should have an appointment made for review of these results. If urgent, we will contact you to arrange an appointment to discuss your results. Please note that we will do our best to follow up your results, however, patients also have responsibility in their own health care; this includes the seeking of results.
Recall system: Our practice has a recall system for preventive health like cervical screening, immunisation, flu vaccination and other health assessments.